New Star Wars Episode VII international TV spot reveals Dark Empire

First Order view Star Wars Episode VII Agust 10 Tv spot Korea

It’s really only one image.


Lucasfilm released a new TV spot in Korea, released internationally via the Interwebs yesterday.  It’s brief, with scenes previewed before but recut into a new TV trailer, complete with the new Star Wars Episode VII logo in Korean.  But it begins with something new.  JJ Abrams & Co. clearly have reached back to the darker side of our own history to reveal the evil behind The First Order–the villains of The Force Awakens.

The First Order, especially as shown in the opening image, should evoke the New Order of Nazi Germany in World War II.  This is further bolstered by the name of the Rebels in the post Return of the Jedi galaxy–they are now the Resistance.  Resistance groups were those factions opposing the Axis states during World War II.

Abrams is also pulling propaganda imagery created by Goebbels to create awe and fear of Hitler and his ilk.  The red banners seen in the preview similar to those carrying swastikas in Hitler’s regime.

We have a dark empire coming to the Star Wars galaxy.

Check out the trailer:

Those white-winged TIE Fighters are a nice update, and have a look at the new troopers that may be the new Snowtrooper uniforms.

New snowtroopers Star Wars Episode VII

It’s almost here.  Star Wars: The Force Awakens hits theaters December 18, 2015.

C.J. Bunce

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