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Star Wars Battle Tales–New comic book series digs into the past of The Clone Wars


Review by C.J. Bunce

On the heels of the surprise completion of the animated Star Wars: The Clone Wars series on Disney+, a new comic book series launches this week from IDW Publishing as part of its return to normal production of comic book titles delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic.  Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars Battle Tales carries the kid-friendly Star Wars Adventures title into new–but not unfamiliar–territory for Star Wars readers and anyone who can’t get enough of the animated tales of Obi-Wan and Anakin, Captain Rex, Commander Cody, the Jedi, Asajj Ventress, Count Dooku, and more.  In five issues the mini-series will add new, official canon content set early in The Clone Wars animated series.  These are tales from the clone troopers themselves.

First up?  Look for a younger Captain Rex & Co. to face off against a Lizard of Unusual Size, some bungling by a young Anakin Skywalker, and an appearance by Plo Koon.

This is the same fun artwork style fans of the Star Wars Adventures series are accustomed to, thanks to Derek Charm, Arianna Florean, and Mario Del Pennino.  The story by Michael Moreci will pull readers right back into the animated series.

Courtesy of IDW Publishing, here is a preview of this week’s first issue of Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars Battle Tales:

Fun visuals and story and great for kids of all ages, add Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars Battle Tales to your comic book shop pull list now.  And pick up your copy of the first issue now from Elite Comics or your local comic book store.


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