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K.A.B. Radio 1340–Swag from your favorite lighthouse radio station


This is Stevie Wayne, on top of the world tonight and I’ll be here right up until about one o’clock.

If you ever sat around listening to the radio to answer a trivia question for a prize, or driven across town for some radio station event to get a free giveaway hat or bit of swag with the logo of your favorite station, and if you’re a big John Carpenter fan, then you might appreciate the latest T-shirt offering circulating the Wild Web this week.

John Carpenter’s 1980 horror flick The Fog was my first Rated R drive-in movie and I’ve always been a fan of the movie since, as well as the rest of Carpenter’s catalog and the remake with Tom Welling in 2005.

Adrienne Barbeau (and Selma Blair in the remake) played Stevie Wayne, DJ at the secluded K.A.B. Radio station at Spivey Point Lighthouse in Antonio Bay.  She is the first to identify the mysterious fog rolling into the bay and call out a warning to the locals and ship traffic like the Sea Grass.

If you’re a sucker for a good pop culture tie-in, like the “I Was There” shirts for Back to the Future Day last year, or the Quint’s Shark Hunting shirts based on the salty Jaws character, then you probably need this K.A.B. Radio shirt:

I love that it is exactly the kind of simple style you’d find for a small town promotion back in 1980.  You can pick one up in a choice of colors and sizes now at the Viral Style website.  Wear it to the next celebration of the anniversary of the founding of Antonio Bay.

I still can’t believe no one local has figured out a way to get Adrienne Barbeau or John Carpenter in town for a Con event. (Get to work, guys!).

C.J. Bunce

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