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DC Comics displays screen-used Dark Knight costumes at Comic-Con


DC Comics had another great area at the San Diego Comic-Con International this year.  DC seemed to be THE merchandising property of the 2011 event with its focus on the 52 #1 comic titles debuting in September.  Jim Lee’s cover to Justice League #1 was literally everywhere you looked.  The League was the picture on the choice swag bag, for sale on T-shirts at the DC Comics Graffix sales booth, and featured on the cover of the convention souvenir book.  Jim Lee was on panel after panel and seemed to be royalty at this year’s event.


The DC Comics area had plenty for everyone, including this Batman made of legos, which seemed to be modeled after Lee’s iconic Batman #608 cover that started the Hush storyline.


An elaborate display also allowed Lee and other DC artists to sketch with real-time display via a projected image of their sketch desk and work in progress, talking with fans in the process.

With the in-production next Batman sequel in the works, The Dark Knight Rises (see yesterday’s article announcing Anne Hathaway’s new Catwoman suit), relevant screen-used costumes were displayed in cases inside the DC Comics area.  Three major DC movie characters from The Dark Knight watched over the convention floor.  One of Christian Bale’s Batman suits showed off its stunning detail:


Aaron Eckhart’s (intentionally) half-distressed Two-Face/Harvey Dent suit showed off special effects make-up:

And last but not least, the late Heath Ledger’s purple Joker costume display also showed off his clown-faced, bank robbery mask:


C.J. Bunce


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