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Yet another Guardians of the Galaxy trailer and a twist for Star Wars fans


Hey, how did Sark end up in Guardians of the Galaxy?

Spoiler Alert on Maximum–After the Break only.

The latest trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy, released in the UK, with a pared down version airing on television in the U.S., reveals a ton of great scenes from the August release.  So much so that readers who hate to see too much in a trailer (you know who you are) will want to skip this one.  But those of you that just can’t wait for every new leaked image and official bit of info about this new flick, check out this latest and greatest of trailers after the break.  And no, that doesn’t look exactly like David Warner’s Sark in the original Tron, but we got a similar vibe here.  It’s actually Lee Pace (The Hobbit, Wonderfalls) as Ronan the Accuser.

Any excuse is a good excuse to post a photo of David Warner as the awesome villain Sark in the original Tron.

A big plus for those die-hard fans of superhero films that think the earlier trailers showed the team as too comical for their tastes may like this one better.  Full of outer space action and interaction of the crew in their ship, this is shaping up to look like both a real superhero film and a real sci-fi film.

But first, in the Non-Spoiler variety, first up after the break is a nice quality, fan-made, retro-trailer on YouTube for the original Star Wars trilogy, using the style of the Guardians of the Galaxy trailer already released (and posted at earlier here), edited like the trailer with music from the trailer, too.  Thanks to Dan Madsen for finding this YouTube video.

So here’s the fan-made trailer for Star Wars, Guardians style:

And here’s the latest from Marvel for Guardians of the Galaxy:

You probably have it memorized by now:  Guardians of the Galaxy hits theaters August 1, 2014.

C.J. Bunce

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