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Comic-Con 2011 — More of the best fan costumes


Recovering from the big weekend, we’re posting the last of the best fan costumes we saw at San Diego Comic-Con International this past weekend.  What we didn’t capture is the abundance of Captain Americas, Thors, Wonder Womans and Supermans.  Lots of those and all great.  Bizarrely and happily for some, an unprecedented number of Slave Girl Leias were at this Con.  We posted three in a photo on our Day One coverage.  Also, video game and manga outfits were everywhere.  All bright, and most very creative.  So on to the stand-outs:

In honor of the last Harry Potter movie, here is Sirius Black, with Elizabeth Bunce as the Alien Nation/Nerd Herder.

These guys on speeder bikes had a tough day walking around but they stopped crowds in their tracks:

I’m betting we’ll see more Hobbit related costumes next year.  This guy’s garb was great.  And check out those huge Hobbit feet!

And with the new Planet of the Apes movie out this year, nothing matches the original film and these two recreations of Dr. Zira and Dr. Zaius are awesome.  Their mouths moved and actually looked like the originals.

We saw at least seven DC Comics Zatannas, and you can’t have enough Zatannas.  Here this pretty lady poses with Hollywood writer Jason McClain.

Lots of Batmans as usual but this “Mirror Universe Batman” rocked:

I wasn’t sure if this next gal’s outfit was from a specific game or show, but she looks great!

And to wrap up the best costumes at Comic-Con 2011, here is artist Pablo Ramos as Bob’s Big Boy (flanked by Elizabeth and C.J. Bunce):

I first saw Pablo at Comic-Con in 2008 and whenever anyone discusses the all-time best costume at any convention Pablo’s costume always makes the #1 spot on my list.  As with my other favorite costumes, the idea of the costume is often what helps make a costume the best.  Originality = A+.  And skipping traditional Con outfits in favor of such a pervasive pop culture blast from the past, well that makes Pablo the best in my book.

Finally, it is not usually the case that one would criticize someone for wearing a costume to a convention, or declare a worst costume of the Con.  This year we have the exception, and please, scroll no further if you are easily grossed out.  We’re intentionally posting only the blurred version for your protection:

Congrats and thanks to everyone who went all out for Comic-Con (except for diaper man).   It made the convention more fun for everyone (except for diaper man).

C.J. Bunce

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